Losers Club RBB

An 18+ collaborative Reversebang for IT Artists and Authors

2022 Schedule

FRIDAY FEB 18: Sign-Ups Open
FRIDAY APRIL 22: Art Due & Artist Sign-Ups CloseMONDAY APRIL 25: Art Previews Available for ViewingFRIDAY APRIL 29: Author Sign-Ups CloseSATURDAY APRIL 30, 8PM EDT: Convert to your time: Claims OpenSATURDAY MAY 28: Check-in #1
- to ensure partners have made contact and all is well with work underway
SATURDAY JUNE 25: Check-in #2
- to ensure you're both steadily working towards the posting deadline
SATURDAY JULY 23: Posting StartsHOME

Rules & FAQ

A Reversebang is a Big Bang in reverse. In a Big Bang, Artists claim stories to illustrate. In a Reversebang, Authors claim art to write for.
This event is inclusive of all IT canons, characters and ships. Hate speech, bigotry, kinkshaming or ship/character bashing will not be tolerated in behavior or in the works submitted to the challenge. This bang is 18+ only. By signing up, you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.CLAIMS
Artists will submit art for claims via email.
Artwork will be compiled into a presentation document for Authors to peruse.
Authors will choose pieces that appeal to them and lodge an online claim form.
Claims will be closed until all art pieces are claimed at which time all matched-up teams will be revealed.
Once matched up, authors and artists are encouraged to work together so that the final, combined fanwork is satisfactory to you both.Rules for Artists
- Each artist can submit up to 2 art pieces.
- Art pieces should be complete or nearly so at the time of submission.
- Crossovers and fusions with other fandoms are allowed.
- All works must be new, not posted anywhere else previously, and created specifically for this challenge.
- Works may not depict underage characters in explicit situations.
- 2D Art can take the form of any traditional or digital media, comics, digital manips, gifsets, fanmixes, animations and fanvids.
- 3D art/craft media is allowed as long as it can be photographed for submission.
- Audio/voice recordings must include cover art with a full transcript (minimum size 500 x 500px). A download link must be included with your submission (it will be held until claims and then sent to the author who has claimed it).
- Fanmixes must contain at least 8 tracks as well as front and back cover art with a full track list (minimum size 500 x 500px). A download link must be included with your submission (it will be held until claims and then sent to the author who has claimed it).
- Digital manips must contain significant alteration from the original images so as to create a new composition.
- Gifsets or image edits must show demonstrable effort to create a new creative treatment: either manipulation that blends and integrates several different sources, or a carefully curated and assembled theme or idea.
- Fanvids must be at least 30 seconds in length.
- Animations should be at least 5 seconds long, with a recommendation towards 10 seconds to give your Author enough to work with.
Rules for Authors
- All works must be new, not posted anywhere else previously, and created specifically for this challenge.
- All works must stand alone and not be continuations of an existing work.
- All works must be complete and posted in full at posting time.
- Authors must have an AO3 account to post to this challenge.
- Stories must be based on or inspired by the art claimed.
- If there is a pairing specifically shown or requested in the art claimed, then that is the pairing you are agreeing to write for.
- Works may not depict underage characters in explicit situations.
- Stories must be a minimum of 5,000 words. There is no maximum word count.
- AO3 guidelines must be used to inform your tagging, rating and content warnings (including Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage).
- All works submitted to the challenge must be beta-read prior to posting.
- Beta readers do not have to be bang participants. Authors may find their own beta readers among friends or mutuals.
- There will be two check-ins after the claims period. Failure to check in to either one will result in one courtesy email from the Mods, and if no response is given, we will assume you have defaulted and remove you from the challenge. This is to save you from receiving unwanted emails from us, and to save us from feeling like we are harassing you.
Posting will take place on AO3, with completed works added to our AO3 collection. It’s up to each collaborative team to decide whether they’d like to embed the artwork in the fic on AO3, or if they would prefer to post separately and link to each other. A how-to tutorial for embedding images into AO3 posts is here.
Each team will be required to post a Masterpost to promote your collaborations, which we will share on our Tumblr and Twitter.
The masterpost should include:

  • A SFW crop of the artwork, or a story banner (note: Whole art pieces should only be included if the artist is posting the masterpost and if the art is SFW).

  • Fic title and AO3 link

  • Links/Mentions @ Author’s and Artist’s accounts.

  • Optionally, you can also include a screenshot of the AO3 header, which would typically include the Rating, Warnings, Relationships, Characters, Word count, and a blurb or story summary

Examples of masterposts from last year's Big Bang can be viewed on our Twitter or Tumblr.HOME

Sign Up Forms


How To Submit Your Art

You may submit your art as soon as you're ready, any time between now and the submission deadline.Your art should be unsigned for the anonymous claims.Art Submissions must be emailed to us at [email protected]Email subject line:
Art Submission from [your username]
In the body of the email:
Artist username: [please ensure it’s the one you signed up with]
Preferred profile url where you post art: [Twitter, Tumblr, Insta, etc]
Prompt Title:
Art Rating: [G / PG / M / NC-17]
Suggested pairing(s) if any:
Desired fic rating: [G / PG / M / NC-17 - you may choose which rating you are most comfortable with receiving for your art]
Desired collaboration level: [free rein / brainstorming / cheerleading / beta-ing - how involved do you want to be? Do you want to be included in the whole process, or would you prefer to submit your art and leave the author to it? Please note that no matter what level you choose, this challenge is a collaboration between artist and author. You will be expected to support your collaboration partner with positive reinforcement while they write a story for your art. At the end of the process, you will be expected to create a banner for the collaboration and be available for decision-making regarding posting, etc]
Preferred communication methods: [email / tumblr / twitter / discord / other - please give your username/url there)
DNW: Please list any Do-Not-Wants for your Author to avoid
Prompt: Inspire the authors by giving your art prompt some context or a description. If you have Do-Wants please put them here also. Please keep this to 3 sentences max because that's all the room we will have on the presentation slides alongside your artwork]
Don't forget to attach your art!HOME

How To Embed Your Art on AO3

The first thing to know is that images must already be hosted on an external website in order to be embedded into AO3 posts.If you're not sure where to host your art, AO3 have put together a guide on suggested posting sources.STEP 1: upload your image to your preferred hosting environmentWherever you end up hosting, you will need a full image URL to embed the art, so watch out for places like Google Drive which may not work as a source for hosting images - it gives a share link, but not the image URL.The suggested alternatives are Flickr and DeviantART. You can use Tumblr, Twitter, Pillowfort or Facebook (or any other platform where art can be uploaded to share socially) but please note that URLs can change over time or disappear completely which will result in a broken art link, and your embedded art will no longer appear in the post. Tumblr links are especially unpredictable and seem to break for no apparent reason.AO3 does not recommend Photobucket or Imgur because it's against their Terms of Service to host imagers for embedding elsewhere, but lots of people still use those services. Photobucket will sometimes put a watermark of their logo over your image, or throttle your bandwidth and stop showing the image if your quota is exceeded unless you're on their paid account. Also, if your image is NSFW, they may simply delete it as this is also against their ToS.Imgur seems to be reliable, and after using it for several years, I have never had a link break, disappear, or get censored. The account is free, and seems like a good image hosting option - but please note this is only this Mod's personal opinion. There are other alternatives, such as ImageShack, Postimage, ImgBox, ImgPile. Please ensure you read their FAQ and ToS before uploading anything though.You can even use Dropbox and other similar file storage repositories, however, please note that you need a direct image url for embedding to work. Simply copying a url from the browser window isn't enough, and you may need to go searching for this link as it's not always easily accessible.Examples of links that WILL NOT work for image embedding

These will not work because while the link will direct you to where you can view the image, it's not an image url. An image url will end in one of the following file extensions: .jpg or .png or .gifExamples of links that WILL work for image embedding

All of the above will work because they're a direct and complete link to the image you want to embed, and you can tell because the link ends in a file extension: .jpg or .png or .gifSTEP 2: embed the art in an AO3 postOnce you have your images hosted on an external site, you can use either the Rich Text editor or the HTML editor to embed the images:

Rich Text
Click your cursor on the position you want the art to appear.
Click on the "Insert/edit Image" icon
You will need the full URL, including the file extension at the end. Eg: https://website.com/filename.jpg
Enter the link in "Source"
Enter Image Description if required
Adjust and constrain proportions if required. We suggest constraining proportions and adjusting the max width to 800px so your whole image fits within the 1000px AO3 viewing area width.
If you prefer to insert in HTML format, click your cursor on the position you want the art to appear
Insert code as follows: <img src="insert your full url with extension here inside these quotes">
Don't forget to save your draft on AO3 before clicking over to the Rich Text editor to view if this worked. If you click over without saving, your formatting may bork and you'll have to edit your line spacing, etc, all over again.HOME

Posting Instructions

Here is a checklist for your nominated posting day:1) Post your completed art/fic collaboration to AO32) Add it to our AO3 collection3) Create and post your Masterpost to Tumblr or Twitter4) Submit your Masterpost Information Form - one form per team please!Posting to AO3
Please choose one of the following ways to post your collaboration:
Creating a single AO3 work with both the Author and Artist listed as Co-Creators, with the artwork embedded into the story. See our handy embedding guide here.
Inspired By:
The Artist creates an AO3 work for their artwork, and the Author posts their fic to AO3 as a work inspired by another work. This is a good option if your team prefers not to embed the artwork into the story. You can even link to works which are not posted on AO3.
The Author creates an AO3 work, gifts the work to the Artist 's AO3 handle and either embeds the artwork or includes a link to wherever the artist has chosen to post their artwork (eg: Twitter, Tumblr, Insta, Pillowfort, etc)
Posting Time
Each author will be asked to nominate a posting date to suit them and their artist.
Ideally you will post on your posting date, but the exact time of posting doesn't matter. Choose whatever time works best in your timezone. It's expected that timezones won't always match for both author and artist, so posting times may vary and that's fine.
Authors, please ensure your artists know when your posting date is!
Artists, if you're not sure when your posting date is, please check with your author or contact the Mod.
Optional Teasers
Some people like to post teasers as a fun way to whet the appetite and generate interest. However, please don't post whole pieces of artwork or fic before your posting day. Please use close crops and small fic snippets only.
You do not need to send a draft of your completed fic or art to the Mods.Posting to the AO3 Collection
Only completed works will be added to the collection. WIPs and works under 5K will be rejected. If you're posting a chaptered work, please ensure that you post your final chapter before adding the work to the collection.
Pro tip:
If you have created a draft of your fic before posting, please make sure that you change the date to your posting date before you click Post, otherwise your posting date will be the date you created your draft and you will not be posting to the top of the relevant AO3 feed.
Creating the Masterpost
Your Masterpost should include:
1) Story Banner: the Tumblr dashboard’s image width is 540px so that's a good guide for sizing your banner. The largest image size is 1280x1920px. The banner can be a SFW crop of the artwork by itself, a whole SFW art piece if the artist is posting the masterpost (nobody but the artist should be posting their art in whole), or an actual story banner made up of a crop of the art and the author's and artists's handles.
2) Fic title and AO3 link
3) Link to the artwork if posted separately
4) Links to Author’s and Artist’s Tumblrs and/or AO3 accounts
5) Fic and Artwork Rating (G/PG/M/NC-17)
6) Warnings (As per AO3 guidelines, please warn for graphic violence, underage, non-con or major character death) and use any other relevant tags as you see fit
7) Relationships
8) Characters
9) Word count
10) A blurb or story summary
11) Mention of the @losersclubbang Tumblr or Twitter
The Masterpost Info Form
This form is the way to officially tell the mods that you've finished posting and successfully completed the bang to ensure we do not miss your submission. Only one person needs to submit this on behalf of your team. The link to the form can be found in the email confirming your posting date.
Good luck with posting, congratulations on a job well done and thank you for participating in the LCRBB 2022!